Welcome back to Accessible Art History: The Podcast! In this episode, I'm discussing the Roman Forum during the Republican era.
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Roman Forum
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Diagram of the Forum
The Forum Romanum in the Late Republican period: 1) Tabularium; 2)Temple of Concord; 3) Basilica Opimia; 4)Tullianum; 5) Basilica Porcia; 6) Curia and Comitium; 7) Temple of Saturn; 8) Senaculum; 9) Volcanal; 10) Lacus Curtius; 11) Basilica Sempronia; 12) Basilica Fulvia; 13) Shrine of Venus Cloacina; 14) Temple of the Castors; 15)Fountain of Juturna; 16) Temple of Vesta; 17) Regia
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and Smarthistory

Temple of Vesta
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Temple of Saturn
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The Curia Julia
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The Rostra Vetera
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